Fey-Touched are creatures that can trace back in their ancestry and find a fey or other inhabitant from the First World. They can be any alignment but tend toward chaos. As with Aasimar and Tiefling, their heritage may have lain dormant for generations. Fae are creatures with connections to nature or some specific force or place. Fey-Touched are born to two mortal parents who may have no knowledge of their own ancestry. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO FAE PLAYER CHARACTERS IN MAELSTROM, THERE ARE ONLY FEY-TOUCHED, which means that somewhere in your ancestry someone mated with a fae and some of those traits are now showing up in you, just as with the plane-touched. Every few hundred years one or more fae will use their powerful magic to travel from their own realm and into the realm of mortals, where more often than not, they reproduce with a mortal. If male, they leave immediately after they impregnate a female, and the females, once impregnated, remain long enough to birth the child and they immediately return to their realm, leaving their child behind. Fey-touched have no knowledge or information about the First World, or that one even exists. Fey-touched were left as infants with their mortal parent, to be raised and never contacted again by their fae parent. For many fey-touched, the fae influence is dormant for generations and appear suddenly in the offspring of two mortals, usually humans but sometimes elves. It is also possible to be a fey-touched if one of your parents is a fey-touched. They do not have access to or knowledge of anything of the First World or the lives and societies of the fae other than what is commonly known in the world lore. Both Nymph and Satyrkin stand between 143 to 193 cm tall while Qilinkin vary between 70 and 210 cm in height.
Nymphs are the professions mod name for female fey-touched, this does not mean that you are only nymph blooded, you can have any kind of fae bloodline that is available in the lore, it is just called Nymph. The same is true for Satyrs.
Language Spoken: Regional
Qilinkin (Fey-Touched, Any Gender)
Favored Profession: