For the early history of the people who dominated Turan, see Hyrkania.
Turan is the wealthiest realm west of Khitai, with the possible exception of Vendhya. It has many ports along the Eastern and western shores of the Vilayet and is mistress of the inland sea. Its capital, Aghrapur, has a huge, magnificent palace called the Sunrise Court.
The ambitious Turanians (often calling themselves Hyrkanians, after their ancient race) make forays in all directions as they attempted to enlarge their empire. They have usurped most of the important caravan cities of the Eastern Desert, crowded the eastern frontier of Zamora, taken over the caravan route to the Far East with the assistance of their kinsmen, the Hyrkanians of the far eastern steppe, and even invaded Vendhya. Their strongest monarch, Yezdigerd, exactes tribute from eastern Shem and Brythunia and fights successful battles with the armies of Hyperborea and Stygia.
References: Hyborian Age I-II, Thing in the Crypt, Hall of the Dead, Hand of Nergal, Bloodstained God, Witch Shall Be Born, Road of Eagles, Devil in Iron, Queen of the Black Coast, Shadows in the Moonlight, Black Colossus, People of the Black Circle, Black Tears, Flame Knife, Conan the Renegade, Conan and the Manhunters, Shadows in Zamboula, Return of Conan, Conan of the Isles, et al.