Immaru are a humanoid race that look very similar to humans or half elves, with pale skin, hair, and eyes known for their ability to bend light to their will. Their world was isolated for most of their history and only in the last two centuries have they interacted with other races. Immaru can't mate with other species which is why there numbers are so low compared to other races. If some powerful magic is used to try to violate natural law and produce an offspring with an Immaru, the child is always the same race as the non-Immaru parent.
If you are an Immaru it is because you have left your home world to explore the phlogiston.
Immaru are about human height, very pale or slightly golden skin, with white, platinum blonde, or grey hair, and bright eyes of any color. Immaru eyes constantly change color depending upon their mood, physical activity, or when they use their ‘sign’ language. They can feed by eating and drinking like a human or by only absorbing sunlight and drinking water. Immaru are not natively violent or warlike, but their interactions with other races have taught them to learn to defend themselves. Immaru can see in total darkness and both inside and around objects, as long as there is a path for light to travel, at a range of about 250ft. They can see into another room using the crack under the door or a window on a wall, but could not see into a fully tar sealed barrel.
Immaru can shape light into visual images for communication or entertainment, or they can create Hardlight - a force-like form of solid light capable of dealing damage or creating Hardlight constructs.
Immaru do not speak and do not possess vocal chords or speech centers in their brain. This prevents magic such as tongues or comprehend languages, other than reading writing, from working on them. Instead, they communicate using their light shaping abilities to produce animated shapes and colors for communication. They have this ‘sign’ language, the highly animated shapes and colors using light shaping, and a written language. Anyone can learn their written language. Only Immaru can learn their ‘sign’ language as non-Immaru brains simply lack the vast number of visual processing pathways necessary to comprehend it. Because their ‘sign’ language is so information dense, they can communicate paragraphs of information in what appear to be only a few scintillating characters. There is no similarity between their ‘sign’ and written language so learning one does not help you learn the other.
Racial Language: Immaru
Languages Understood: Common, Basic
Immaru Racial Kit:
RA Eye Glow 07
RA Eye Glow 01
Favored Profession: